Zumran holds an important Copper license in the Argosy seam, one of four seams making up the Cheta Mineral Formation located in a belt 30 km west of Lusaka. The license covers circa 20,000 hectares.

Zumran is in the process of carrying put an objective assessment of the commercial, technical and operational feasibility [Suren to check phrasing] of the site. To date we have conducted the following programmes:

After reviewing the exciting initial results from exploratory mining, Zumran is preparing a systematic exploration strategy through diamond drilling to establish a mineable resource and reserve for commencing large-scale mining activity.

Exploration Data Gathering: Zumran used its internal engineering capability to design and execute. We adopted a 3600 approach employing:
a) high resolution hyperspectral remote sensing study
b) ground geophysics and
c) soil sampling
Interpretation and Assessment: The integrated interpretation identified a 2KM strike length of a highly anomalous zone. Experienced geologists often associate such anomalies as indicative of mineralization in the underlying bedrock. This was further supported by the identification of several old workings which were traced on the surface
Independent Verification: In the interests of external and independent verification we retained SRK Consultancy. Their “geologists have expert knowledge of the mechanisms of orebody formation and distribution within a wide range of geological and tectonic settings.” SKR Consultancy has confirmed the results of our approach in Data Gathering and Interpretation.
Exploratory Open Pit Development: Having had solid indicative but theoretical results we then proceeded develop an exploratory open pit mine in the area. This revealed the presence of good grade copper ore.

Next Steps

Zumran engineers are in the process of preparing an exploration strategy through diamond drilling to define a resource, convertible to a mineral reserve pending positive economic outcome. These details will be articulated in Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies prior to commencing large-scale mining activity.


Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies will be completed by end Q1 2022.


Zumran is conducting confidential conversations with potential Investors starting January 2022 for this exciting opportunity.